Sunday, December 03, 2006

O Christmas Tree

Well, we finally got our Christmas tree up tonight...the house is coming along nicely...looking like a HOME...but with the snow starting to fall gently, it put me in the mood to set up the tree! We have it up on our entertainment unit so Trenton doesn't get into it!

But, once we had the tree all set up and in place, our little guy starts choking...and we couldn't feel anything...I took child and infant first aid so I was going through everything in my mind to do something for finally got through his I'll be watching his diapers tomorrow to see what it was...we have no idea what he could have swallowed. I made sure everything was out of his reach. Obviously, I missed we had the First Response Unit out here...I'm sure all the neighbours were peering out their windows. Luckily, we didn't need the ambulance...the paramedic walked in and took one look at Trenton and basically said he looked very healthy but he gave him a check over just to be sure. He was breathing fine and he has been fine since...he's sleeping peacefully now...

That is the worst feeling though...he's looking at me to help him and I really can't do anything to help. That helplessness was scary but I kept it together (at least I tried)...I didn't want to panic because that would have made the situation worse. But we're all okay now. I think I better hit the sack. It's getting late! And it's been a long day.

1 comment:

jenn said...

OMGOSH!!!!! You poor thing :( UGH

super big hugs coming your way!!!!!!!

btw love the tree ;) looks great!