Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's my birthday and I'll play if I want to!!

Hello everyone! It's my birthday today....well, it's almost over but I thought I'd post about my day! I had a great birthday...even though I have been celebrating since Friday!!! I already posted about my other gifts but I had to post about today's wonderful pressies!! From Jason and Trenton, I got a ticket to the All Day Crop through Go Scrapping Retreats and Crops {www.goscrapping.ca} for the 24th of March! From my grandparents, I got $40 that will be used to purchase more stamps!!! From my wonderful friend Bev and her girls, I got a great little decorated paper bag with a great little stamp set in it that I wanted!! Thanks lovey!

This is Trenton and me with my grandparents....we spent the day in London because my grandfather had to have a few tests done today {of all days of course!}

This is practically the same pic but my mom is in this one and I'm taking the picture!! ;0D

Thanks for the card and $40 Nanny and Grandpa...I will be buying more stamps with it!!!

Here is my present and cards from Bev and her girls!

Thanks ladies! I love them! I'm already putting those stamps to good use! Here's a close up of the bag! It's beautiful! Love the papers Bev! Excellent job! ;0D

And to top off my day, I even won a coffee from Roll Up the Rim from Timmy H's!!!

Well, it's 11:35pm...this time 27 years ago I entered the world! Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me life those many years ago! Yes, it was 27 years ago...and thanks for calling all the way from Kentucky Dad! He's on a missions trip this week with the church!

And thanks to my little bro and S&BIL and M&FIL for the calls too! I did get the messages! I was on the phone! Sorry!! Thanks for remembering me on this day!!! Love ya all!!!


Claudia and Luke said...

Glad you had a good birthday Amanda..congrats

jenn said...

glad you had a wonderful bday Amanda! One more gift to come yet ;)

hmmmm too bad you aren't working tomorrow. I'm in guelph for the afternoon! I'd come see you!!!!

Mich said...

gee Birthday Girl! you sure are getting lots and lots of gifts :-)

Great pictures and how funny that those two are so similar!

happy birthday, once again.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I turn 27 this year too. WAY to close to 30 for me :).