Saturday, June 02, 2007

I wish......

I wish I could be a gourmet chef for kids!!!
This was Trenton's supper tonight!!

I have read before to get your kids to eat the certain foods, you should use cookie cutters to make the veggies and cheese into different shapes to make it interesting for them...not that we need to help Trenton with the eating department...he's a great eater...but I still like to make his lunch's fun to pretend I'm a chef at a cool restaurant...

Obviously, he likes it!

I almost made a plate for me.
That's a pretty good supper for a 17-month old!!!

I used to have Ants on a Log...(celery with peanut butter and raisins)...when I was a kid and I love them! Still do!! (There was five to start didn't make the's quality control!!) There were no "ants" though (I'm out of raisins!).
This was our supper!! I got a cool BBQ wok today so I made BBQ veggies and seasoned pork chops! YUMMO!!


jenn said...

oh your bbq stuff looks yummo!!! So does trentons ;) hehehe

To answer your question about the pizza on the bbq. We use the dough that we make in our bread machine, then just divide it into 4 or 5 small ones. Brush the grill with olive oil...through one on ...flip and add toppings ... ;) easy peasy

Claudia and Luke said...

what a great mom you are.....

Holly said...

wow - great lookin' BBQ din-din! LOVE the maple leaf cheese too! FUN!