Sunday, November 19, 2006

On My Own

I have been on my own for the past two husband, no baby...just me. I feel like I'm single again! But I keep neglecting my packing duties...I'm supposed to have this place packed by the time hubby and baby return today.

But it makes me appreciate my family and how blessed I am to have them. I don't know where I'd be without them. They are my whole world. Yes, it's great to have a break every once in awhile but I am ready for them to come home. I know my little guy is in good hands with his daddy. My husband is a great father and I know he will do his utmost to ensure his son is safe and happy and fed! Looking around our apartment, yes it's full of toys and stinky hockey stuff and of course, scrapbooking stuff, but that is our life. We don't have the fancy house or the imaculate floors or walls but we have love and that's the most important thing in a family unit. Besides, the toys give the place character!!! We can' t wait to get to our new place and then my hubby will have his own area for all his hockey memorbilia and equipment. And I can't wait till he has his own space too!

Well, I have procrastinated enough...I need to go start packing. And wait for my boys to come home! I can't wait to see them!

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