Sunday, December 31, 2006

Here's to a New Year!

My word for this coming year is INSPIRATION...I received a homemade bracelet from my friend and fellow scrapbooker Jenn that has a charm on it that says "inspire"...that is my word for the year! I want to be inspired by many things...I want to be inspired by husband, by my son; I want to be inspired to strive for more! Here is my list of goals for this year:

1. Have a few more things published
2. Join at least one design team
3. Enter more contests
4. Finish my brother and SIL's wedding album
5. Attend more crops or get together with friends more to scrapbook
6. Meet someone "famous" in the scrapbooking world!!!
7. Complete 100 pages (if I get more done than all the better!)
8. Complete all the weddings from last year

Just a few things! I want to make sure I am never bored!!! I just hope I can stick to them!

Have a happy New Year and I hope all is well and healthy with you and your families!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Wedding Present

I'm getting ready for a wedding for my friend today. The wedding is at 3pm and I've got their present done! I was up until 4AM finishing it. I created them a wedding album for them to add pictures to. I hope they like it! (And I hope they don't read this before opening their presents!!!)

It's hard to believe that I was married over two years ago. It seems like it was FOREVER AGO! Not in a bad's just so much has happened in those two years, that it's hard to believe it was all packed into 24 months!!! We're busy planning our son's first birthday (which I'll post pictures later!)'s amazing that he's a year old already!

Good luck Karina and Josh...we wish you all the best in your new life together! Hope you can adjust to each other and can enjoy each other's company!

Live Well
Laugh Often
Love Always
Learn Lots

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I got a project approved for the Basic Grey website gallery! I'm so excited! I have been submitting projects to them for awhile and I finally got one accepted!

Here is the link:

I'm so proud of it! I created this card for a friend of the family's. I almost didn't want to give it away! But I did!! I hope she's enjoys it!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday celebration with family and friends. I know we did! We're certainly lucky to have such wonderful relatives and little guy got so many wonderful gifts...lots of learning items...Leap Frog Baby stuff, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn stuff...and of course, a few toys (just a few!). I don't have my camera right now...I left it at my grandparents place today but mom has it! She's come to my rescue! I'll post tomorrow!!!

Have a Happy Prosperous Successful New Year! I hope you can accomplish your goals for this year! I know I have a few too! I hope to get more exercise (which will be easy cuz my little guy is ALMOST walking on his own!)...and to complete my scrapbooking projects...and get something published in a scrapbooking magazine! Not too much! They are more of goals than resolutions...I just find with New Years resolutions, they are never kept! Good luck to those who set goals for themselves! All the success to you!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My "Stash"

My Scrapping Area

This is my scrapbooking area in my livingroom...I don't have a room...I just scrapbook at the kitchen table much to my hubby's shagrin...

Here is the Before and After shots!

I am fortunate to have a great father who created my slat board frame...I came up with the idea and he made it for me! I use it to hold most of my papers, decorative scissors, paints, letters, rub-ons, and more! It was originally created to hold my mini albums but I decided to use it for my "stuff"...

Sunday, December 10, 2006


We took Trenton to see Santa on Friday night at Stone Road Mall. He was a little afraid of him I think. He doesn't really understand who he is...but we're gonna write to Santa this week. The things I do to my son for a scrapbook page!!! Here's his picture!

Doesn't he look a little frightened??!!??!!

Picture taken Dec. 8th, 2006

Family Photos

We had family photos taken today by a wonderful family friend. She is so good. She makes us look good! Trenton was a pretty good boy today! Doesn't he look cute?! She did my belly pictures a year ago (to the day!) It's hard to believe that I was only pregnant a year ago. So much has happened in a year! I can't wait till Trenton's first's less than a month away! I better finish planning his big day!

Big thanks to Jean! We really appreciate all you do! You are a great photographer! We love you!!

Taken December 10th, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Family Traditions

A long standing tradition in our house is putting up the large nativity scene. It has been up in my parents' house for as long as I can remember. But now my mother has passed it on to me. It's weird not seeing it in my parents' kitchen but it is a nice touch to our little Christmas display!!!
I remember playing with the figurines and telling the Christmas story so now my son, who is eleven months old today, can do the same. We want him to know that Christmas isn't just about getting presents. We want him to know that it's about GIVING too.

I am wanting to start a family tradition of him picking out a present for a child who is less fortunate than him. We are so blessed. We have a roof over our heads; we have internet, cable, cell phones, computers, vehicles; my son has many toys to play with; and there are some children who have nothing. So I want him to know that he can help a child have an enjoyable Christmas too!

Merry Christmas everyone! Only 19 days till Christmas!!! YEAH!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

O Christmas Tree

Well, we finally got our Christmas tree up tonight...the house is coming along nicely...looking like a HOME...but with the snow starting to fall gently, it put me in the mood to set up the tree! We have it up on our entertainment unit so Trenton doesn't get into it!

But, once we had the tree all set up and in place, our little guy starts choking...and we couldn't feel anything...I took child and infant first aid so I was going through everything in my mind to do something for finally got through his I'll be watching his diapers tomorrow to see what it was...we have no idea what he could have swallowed. I made sure everything was out of his reach. Obviously, I missed we had the First Response Unit out here...I'm sure all the neighbours were peering out their windows. Luckily, we didn't need the ambulance...the paramedic walked in and took one look at Trenton and basically said he looked very healthy but he gave him a check over just to be sure. He was breathing fine and he has been fine since...he's sleeping peacefully now...

That is the worst feeling though...he's looking at me to help him and I really can't do anything to help. That helplessness was scary but I kept it together (at least I tried)...I didn't want to panic because that would have made the situation worse. But we're all okay now. I think I better hit the sack. It's getting late! And it's been a long day.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Well, we've moved in to our new place now! We just need to get some photos and shelves up and then it will really feel like home. Trenton is getting adjusted may take awhile yet.

We also need to get our Christmas tree up so it will get us into the Christmas spirit! I can't wait to get my lights up! Yeah!!

This is Daddy & Trenton moving boxes from the apartment! (I think they were goofing off here!)