Saturday, January 13, 2007

I think my son will be an artist!

I think my son will be an artist!

We were colouring in the jumbo colouring books that we got for Christmas...(Thanks Mamere and Papa!) Trenton was looking for something to do the other day so I got these large books out...and the crayons! I figured that was the best idea...markers would have been all over him....don't need, it was crayons for him....but we're limited to the colours we have right now...I need to go to Wal-mart or Michaels and get more for him...but I think he did a great job!

And we only ate two crayons (well, tried to eat...they just went into the mouth BRIEFLY! I made sure he didn't chew on those! That would not be a fun tooth brushing later!

Here is what he did....(with Mommy's help of course!)

Can you see his little marks!?! He did a great job I think...(of course, I'm his mother after all!)

1 comment:

jenn said...

too cute!!! He's doing a GREAT job ;)