Monday, March 26, 2007

My first time...

I went to my first Go Scrapping day crop on was my birthday present from Jason and Trenton...thanks guys! I love you! It was so much fun! {My friend Jenn was in on the planning too!!! Thanks girlie!}

I was all packed and ready to go on Friday night!!! Here's my "stash" all packed up!!

We got there in decent time {before 10am} and got set up and took a look at "vendor row" ....there were a few vendors there for us to make purchases if we so desired or if we ran out of a certain product or paper!!! Here's a pic of "vendor row"....they also had make-n-takes going all day!!

There were some great door prizes that were donated by several local scrapbook stores {The Scrapping Turtle, The Scrapping Bug, Two Scrapbook Friends and more!} I didn't win anything! I was very close for a few of's actually kinda get six door prize tickets right off the bat.....then every time you finish a layout, you get a ticket...if it's a two page layout you get two tickets....that's a really cool idea! And if you did a make-n-take, you got a ticket too! So I got 10 extra tickets in total! {six layouts and four make-n-takes}...There were a few things I had my eye on.....but I didn't bring anything home!!!

Oh but I DID get a great goodie bag!!! Here's what was in it!

There were a few coupons, some cute embellishments from Wilma {from Stampin' Up}, some coloured laquer, some mat board and ribbon. {Also, pictured are the make-n-takes}

I only spent $10 all day!!! That's pretty good for me....but I pretty much took EVERYTHING with me!!! But my best purchase was my Go Scrapping on-the-"GO" mug...I use it all the time now! It was a VERY good purchase!!!

Here are a few views of all the ladies scrapping away!!!

And I can't forget the guest of honour!!! This is "Scrappy" the Turtle...he's the official mascot of The Scrapping Turtle! And he's holding Hannah's completed mini album from Rusty Pickle...great job Hannah!!!!
Thanks Karen for the great time! I will have to come back again! I do need to get some more stamps for my passport!!! It was great putting faces to message board names and meeting a lot of new people! There was A LOT of talent under the same roof that day!!! I saw a lot of great layouts! You are all very talented!!! Thanks for making my first time to a Go Scrapping crop a good time!!!
It was nice to get out of the house and not have to worry about "mommy" duties...Thanks again Jay and Trenton...I had a lot of fun!!!! I love ya!!! xoxoxoxoxo


Holly said...

I totally agree! It was a great day and I can't believe how FAST time flew by. It was neat meeting MB friends in person, seeing some awesome talent and just taking it all in. We definitley need 'me' days and I'm glad to have enjoyed mine.

It was super to meet you too!! (and Jenn and Melissa and...) :)

Claudia and Luke said...

Looks bigger than I thought they would be....lots of people
Glad you had fun

jenn said...

ahhh your welcome! I just planted the idea in Jay's head ;) LOL And helped get the ticket! No problems!!!

It was fun! We'll have to do it again sometime!!!!!