Sunday, March 18, 2007

PIF....We've all heard of it

PIF....Pay It Forward...we've all heard of this at least once in our lifetime...I'm sure the majority of us have even seen the movie with Haley Joel Osmond in the starring role...I just want to share a couple little stories with you from my weekend...

I was working yesterday and was taking care of a customer with his order...we finished it and I cashed him out and he left. But he came back about five minutes later, wanting to exchange what he bought for something that would work better and an additional purchase...his total came to 80-something cents but he only had 45 after him searching through his pockets for more change, he couldn't find any...I told him that I would look after it BUT he had to pay it forward; he had to help someone else...he said he would.....I trust he will...

...then this morning I was watching a movie on TBS and it was the movie Pay It Forward that was playing...{kind of ironic, eh?!} ....

...and lastly, I went to the grocery store to stock up for the week...and after emptying my cart in the car, I went to return the cart and get my quarter back {the grocery store I go to requires a quarter put in the handle to unlock it}...I was walking up to the carts where a fellow shopper was searching in her change purse for a quarter...all she came up with was two pennies...her children had used all her change I told her to not worry about it....and when I was almost in my car, she shouted through the parking lot, "I will pay it forward"...and I gave her the thumbs up! :0D It's amazing how that term has become part of our every day language...and everyone knows what it's a nice thought that not everyone in the world is about themselves and that people are thinking of those around them.......

...SO.....My challenge to you this week is to find your three people to PIF to....let's help make the world a little more bearable to live in...have a wonderful week everyone! I'm looking forward to it! :0D


jenn said...

sounds good to me! Love hearing stories like this!!!!

Claudia and Luke said...

Excellent idea Amanda

Mich said...

Yes, how cool is this! I gave the cashier the plastic card that holds my debit card at the Bulk Barn. she was looking for those gadgets for ages...I gave her mine, she was ecstatic...but I didn't mention the pay it forward part!

Thanks to Claudia I have a few more in my drawer and I told her that...

Holly said...

this post gave me goosebumps!