Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My weekend - Monday

These are the tulips are in our neighbours backyard!
(They are beautiful!!)

Okay....last but not least....MONDAY!! It was nice having Jason home for an extra day! And I didn't work for Mom that day! (Thanks Mom!)

So we got our backyard done! We have been wanting to lay some more patio stones in the back to clean it up a little...we don't have tons of room back there and with the bikes, bbq, wagon, garbage pail and recycling back there, it makes for a tight squeeze. So we cleaned it up, got rid of some of the "weed" plants..(forget-me-nots!) and planted some parsley (part of my Mother's Day gift from my parents) and I bought chives and basil (stuff I use a lot in my cooking...) and I just planted some flowers today (Wednesday) it looks good, I's small but I'm not a big garden it's all good...I just hope these plants don't DIE!! (I'm notorious for killing plants! I just forget to water them!!!) They look really good though!!!

Of course, someone had their hands and face in it...a mud sandwich anyone?!?!?!

Of course, we had to pose! ...Daddy and Trenton....

...and Mommy and Trenton...

Our landlords, Joyce and Walt were cleaning up the front flower bed and of COURSE, Trenton had to help them (or distract them...whatever works!!) They did a beautiful job on the flowerbeds! They look great!!! (I have to keep Trenton's mitts out of it now!!)

And I'll leave you with this hilarious picture of my silly little boy!!! This is his DON'T MESS WITH ME face!!! (This shot was totally by accident! But I love it!!!) I'm sure I'll see this face a lot more when he's playing hockey!!!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!

The week is half over!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!


jenn said...

LOVE IT!!!!! The pics are great! Take some finished pics of the patio! :)


Claudia and Luke said...

nice will love the fresh herbs
Trenton is such a cutie